Age Against the Machine is for everybody so we want our events and website to be accessible to all.
Using this website
If you need to make text larger anywhere on this website:
Screenreader accessibility
People with visual impairments can use our website with screenreader software. Our site is designed to be accessible for screenreader users.
Keyboard accessibility
Anyone who has difficulty using a mouse can navigate our site using their keyboard.
Flexible layout
This website is designed to work equally well on computers, phones, and tablets. This also makes it easier to zoom in and out as the site scales easily.
We’ve tried to make our website more usable for everyone by:
Using headings, as large a font size as possible and high colour contrast to make content easier to read.
Having a consistent layout and structure for navigation so you can get where you need to go and travel easily between sections.
If you have any problems or comments, please tell us via email: or by phone 020 8692 4446, and ask to speak to the marketing and communications team.
Helpful external links:
This is a link to the Arts Council’s page on accessibility with additional tips and information sources
This is a link to AbilityNet’s toolkits for accessibility on the web.
Coming to our venues
The festival venues are accessible to those with a wide range of needs and requirements. The Access indicators on each event page give specific information on each venue. We are visiting every venue that is part of the festival in June and July and will update the access information on each event page once we have assessed accessibility. If you’re booking for an event and you want to check if it will be accessible for you, please call us on 020 8692 4446 or email
There are a range of access enhanced performances within the festival. These are indicated by access symbols and descriptions as follows:
Relaxed Indicates a Relaxed performance where you can make noise and move around during the event.
Captioned Indicates a captioned performance - similar to television subtitles for people who are D/deaf or hearing impaired.
BSL Indicates a BSL interpreted performance for D/deaf or hearing impaired people who use British Sign Language.
Dementia-friendly While people with dementia are welcome at all events, the events with this symbol are especially tailored for people with dementia, their family, friends and carers.
Assistance animals badged events are suitable for those attending with an assistance animal.
Wheelchair user symbol indicates an event that is fully accessible for wheelchair users.